Friday, January 23, 2009

Source reveals cocktails

Brad Paisley partnership with fellow artist and guitarist Keith Urban on Start A Band has moved from the realms of stellar audio work to an intriguing visual collaboration. Our source reveals Sam had had a few cocktails earlier in the evening and was perhaps a little more emotional than usual. Meanwhile, onlookers say Aniston and Mayer looked very much in love. Directed by Ridley Scott and starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Russell Crowe, Body of Lie is a high budget adaptation of David Ignatiuss CIA thriller. The website saidthat notwithstanding such security efforts as bag searches and audiencescans with night-vision goggles, Solace initially appeared in what itcalled Telesync format, in which the video is recorded with a camcorder ona tripod and the audio is added later from a direct source such as theaudio circuit for the hearing impaired. Among the other stars in the picture are Reese Witherspoon, Vince Vaughn and Robert Duvall, who may appear with Tim in another picture down the line.

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